Enhanced quality assurance through automation and workflow standardization
Quality-Driven Development Workflow Optimisation
Set up workflows for service and product management with focus on net value of the implemented feature/solution
Extensive experience with setting up and integration of SonarCloud as well as report triage of more than 500 repositories
Improved code coverage reporting configuration of multi-module projects
Introduced cucumber integration with junit integration testing to provide platform for user friendly reporting to business as well as provide common language to write tests between development and QA teams
Introduced load and stress testing with Locust for REST API and DbUnit for database layer
Introduced remote junit test runner for integration test deployment and execution at runtime
Mandated (OpenAPI) specification-first approach as well as OpenFeign and lombok to minimize the volume of manually written code and improve the quality of the code that lands in the production artifact
Worked with a broad base of stakeholders (users, testers, analysts, domain experts, developers, solution architects) to ensure UAT scripts are complete and documented
Automated dependency updates with Dependabot
Improved reporting, and introduced test recording for Cypress tests
Set up quality gates that serve a broad portfolio of products and services
Implementing automated controls to enforce QA standards
Implementation Specifics
Tools: jUnit (RemoteTestRunner), Cucumber, Cypress, Locust (compared with Gattling and jMeter), Dependabot
Workflow Management: Confluence (for workflow documentation and product management), Zephyr Test Management, ReportPortal